AlignPosition on Seats & VehicleSeats do not act correctly

When a player sits on a seat, the behavior of AlignPosition does not operate the same.

  • With AlignPosition set to RigidityEnabled, normally the position will be set almost instantly with no interpolation. When a player is sitting on it however, this is no-longer the case, and seems to revert to slowly interpolating.
  • AlignPosition should not affect the mass calculations of the assembly, however it is, and again only when someone is sitting. Setting the Seats mass to something huge, you can notice the assembly being affected and weight down. This shouldn’t occur.

I also have a ControllerManager active on the players Humanoid with all 4 of the controllers, Air, Climb, Ground, Swim.

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Do you have a simple reproduction of the problem you can attach or a screenshot you can share? I don’t see any obvious problems if I simply add an AlignPosition constraint to a vehicle seat while occupied so the problem may only appear in certain situations. Anything else you can provide would be helpful. Thanks.

Edit: The problem is still there, however changed.

I suggest looking into the behavior of Seats & VehicleSeats.
The class of a VehicleSeat does not inherit Seat for example, Seats need a bit of refreshing.

I will upload a repro soon.

I will add your account to the game with Edit permissions. Due to a limitation, we are required to be friends for me to set this permission.

Appears to be related to when the player has network ownership of the seat vs the “attached” assembly not.

Is the issue similar to this? For me its when players stand on a moving platform.

Yes I have mine on a moving platform as well.