My platforms that use AlignPosition to move from point A to point B don’t carry the player, I don’t know why this is happening
I really don’t want to use BodyPosition and other older stuff, I’m trying to achieve the same effect with AlignPosition
I’m using a local script under StarterCharacterScripts that copies platforms from ReplicatedStorage and moves them to Workspace, so no issues on that end.
Script is:
local folder = game.ReplicatedStorage.MovingPlatforms
local copy = folder:Clone()
copy.Parent = workspace
for _, movingplatformmodel in ipairs(copy:GetChildren()) do
local part = movingplatformmodel:WaitForChild('Moving')
local fromPosition = movingplatformmodel:WaitForChild('1').Position
local endPosition = movingplatformmodel:WaitForChild('2').Position
while true do
part.AlignPosition.Position = fromPosition
part.AlignPosition.Position = endPosition
I saw a similar post on here with the same problem, but it didn’t get solved, so I’m really on the edge here