AlignPosition some times puts stand in ground, any better method or any idea why?

Sometimes when I summon the stand it appears in the ground, here is the example.

unknown (51)

After awhile it fixes itself like here

unknown (52)

local Stand = game.ServerStorage.Stands[Other]:Clone()
Stand.Parent = Character
Stand.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,1,1)

local AttachmentStand ="Attachment")
AttachmentStand.Visible = false
AttachmentStand.Parent = Stand.HumanoidRootPart
AttachmentStand.Name = "StandPos"
local AttachmentCharacter ="Attachment")
AttachmentCharacter.Visible = false
AttachmentCharacter.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart
AttachmentCharacter.Position =,1,2.75)
AttachmentCharacter.Name = "StandPos"
StandPos = AttachmentCharacter

local AllignPosition ="AlignPosition")
AllignPosition.MaxForce = 2500000
AllignPosition.Attachment0 = AttachmentStand
AllignPosition.Attachment1 = AttachmentCharacter
AllignPosition.Responsiveness = 25
AllignPosition.Parent = Stand
local AllighRot ="AlignOrientation")
AllighRot.MaxTorque = 2500000
AllighRot.Attachment0 = AttachmentStand
AllighRot.Attachment1 = AttachmentCharacter
AllighRot.Responsiveness = 25
AllighRot.Parent = Stand```

Any idea why this is happening?
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I personally use a Weld to attach a stand to the character, and when I want to move it I tween the CFrame C0/C1, depends on how you create it. of the weld.

But I’ve been told that using AlignPosition / AlignOrientation is a lot better.

When this happens try and see in Play Session workspace where the welds(Edit: where the attachments are, not welds) are.

Might give you an idea of what’s going on.

As I can see he is using AlignPosition & AlignOrientation, maybe you read the post wrongly?

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Woops, meant to say where the attachments are.

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