All about the Mini Cities traffic update!

Hey Gamers,

I know it’s been a fresh while since the last Mini Cities update, but I am very pleased to announce the day has finally come! I’ve been working hard over the past few months to bring some of the most requested features to life. And without further ado, let’s jump in and see what’s new!

apologies for any typos, proofreading is for suckers

Improved Traffic AI :oncoming_automobile:

Spatial awareness
I’ve gotten many complaints that peoples cities feel dead due to a lack of cars. well, after today that should no longer be an issue! Traffic will now be simulated around the player, instead of being spread-out across the entire range of your city . this should provide a much more lively feel as cars will now always be in sight, and no extra resources will have to used to simulate traffic in areas the player won’t see.

Better Pathfinding
This is more of a back end change so you might not notice it, but my custom Pathfinding system has been greatly improved on. Many of the old issues that where in the old pathfinding have been fixed and optimize; meaning better performance and more accuracy. (This will be important later on)

More Car Variety
Say good-bye to the old generic yellow sedan and say hello to 10 new civilian car types that will drive around your city. This has been one of the most requested features so I’m really excited to bring it to life, I also plan on adding more cars in the future. Also, you might recognize some of the cars, there are a few familiar faces thrown in there. ; -)

Public Transit :bus: :train:

Public Transit is coming to Mini Cities and will bring a new way to earn money!


Using the new bus depot building, you can now create and manage your own bus lines throughout your city! Simply select a bus stop while in the bus line editor to add a stop to your bus line. Then, decide how much you’ll be charging people to use the bus, as well as how many buses you want on each line. So far, the only function buses have is an extra way to make money, but there will be more features added later on!


Train lines function the same as bus lines, but with trains. Trains give much greater capacity than buses as well as a much larger range. The only downside is that they’re pretty pricey to manage. Trains also come with a variety of new buildings, such as: Train Tracks, Train Stations, Rail yards and Rail Crossings!

Planes / Airports :airplane:

You can now build your own airport with the new airport buildings! Unlike other buildings, Airports are modular, meaning you can shape them any way you’d like. You might also notice the occasional plane flying in / out of your runways! So far airports don’t have much functionality besides looking cool, but I hope to bring more purpose to them in the future.

Other Changes

  1. You can know add stop signs or traffic lights to intersections through a pop-up tab.
  2. Improvements to loading system, hopefully less loading crashes.
  3. Removed the large lag spike when a player leaves the game.
  4. Added direction arrows to parking lots
  5. Two new road types: Small Street / Highway

With this massive weight finally off my shoulders, I’m going to be focusing on a few quality of life / performance changes until the new years. I might also focus on monetization for the holidays, so be on the lookout for more gem buildings / game passes :eyes: With that being said, enjoy the Traffic Update!