ALL Badges are Gone (On Profiles)

If I go to a friend’s profile, all their roblox badges are gone but they have their game badges

And so are mine:

and yes i have friends


I really hope this wasn’t intentional. Badges are able to give players extra things to do in games, and now they’re gone. I had THOUSANDS of badges (although probably about half of them are from badge walks), and now almost all of them are gone. Also, what about badge walks? People have spent thousands upon thousands of robux on them, and players have spent a lot of time on these games to collect badges. They are even whole GROUPS of people who collect badges. And now all that time and robux is gone.

(if this update was intended of course lol)


The only thing that concerns me about the official Roblox badges is the administrator badge. Many new players have been told to check someone’s badges before believing they’re an admin. Now that the admin badge is gone, there isn’t really any way to verify if someone is an admin other than looking at their groups and trying to find the Roblox admin group.


I find it weird that it is exactly 100, this may (or still may not) be intentional OR Roblox will have some new feature with badges and they are currently doing something at the moment, testing, idk? If they remove it I will be mad.


I think Roblox is trying to phase away from these old badges as a whole and I do not believe that this is a bug. Transparency from them on changes like this would be helpful in a sense…


I think that might be a separate problem from what is listed here. I don’t believe it is possible to gain that badge more than once.


Well if this is the case, a little heads-up would have been nice!


I don’t see the point of removing the administrator badge since it helped people recognize administrators.

It also seems that the majority of my player badges are missing from my inventory, but if I go to a page of a badge that was missing from my inventory, it still says I own it, it just doesn’t show in my inventory.

Also if badge duplication was the reason why they removed the official Roblox badges, then why couldn’t they fix it? I’m still unsure how hard it’d be to fix it though.


I can successfully reproduce this on the latest version of Firefox, with Windows 8.1 64-bit.


If this were intentional rather than a bug then it removes yet another way of advertising for small developers. Many games used Badges to advertise on people’s profile- this is a fairly effective way to maintain growth after an initial ad run or sponsorship. For the cost of just 100R$ you were able to have a permanent advertisement across many players accounts and inventories. I believe this should be either fixed or reverted immediately because of this.

Edit: I can verify this happens on Android, iPhones, and on Windows pc.


Yeah and I have appeared to lost all my badges i earned from Last year as Well when i checked my Inventory.


Hi! We are aware of this and working on a fix. Thank you for your patience :pray:


The reason for this is because you have BTRoblox installed. If you disable it, it doesn’t show player badges at all.

I personally think that if they remove badges like this, there is no point in having badges in your games. This should be fixed asap.



Cannot replicate, my badges are fine, and on my profile.


Badges do not show on my main profile, and only the 100 most recent, which is just over 3 pages, show up in inventory. Like many others, this is frustrating and a bit upsetting and some clarity from a webdev or database admin would help clear things up.

Ok, looks like in another thread an admin responded with the following: Inventory Page Only Shows Most Recent 100 Badges - #8 by OuterspaceNemo


Not those types of badges, the type that are given by Roblox. Like a 1k visits badge, inviter badge, etc.


you can see your badges because you have BTRoblox (like me)
if you disable it, there will not be a badges section on your profile.


This is bad. A really bad bug. What’s so bad about it, you ask? Well…

Say for example, you were to view a Roblox administrator’s profile. But unfortunately due to this bug, you cannot see that they are an administrator. The only way that they could be an administrator is if they are in the Official Group of Admins.

This means that anyone could technically impersonate admins with this bug.


Why would they remove something millions of people spent millions of Robux on?
Now people will say they’re a Roblox admin.
It’ll be a waste of time for the people who spent 100s of hours badge collecting.

I honestly think this was intentional because Roblox is slowly getting worse over the years.

My last account was banned for having an fps unlocker which I think was unfair.
Let’s just hope Roblox doesn’t remove everything else we love like friends and groups.


Agreed especially on the point above; I wrote a reply on the forums a while back detailing just how useful badges can be to spread word of a game!

In addition, they were the fastest method of identifying whether or not an admin was indeed and admin, now, one must scroll through potentially long lists of groups just to see whether or not they are officially employed by Roblox.

BitwiseAndrea has came to the rescue! They have informed us to much relief that this is indeed just a bug and not a feature swept under the rug. Thank you!