ALL Badges are Gone (On Profiles)

I had 200+ pages of badges, now it only shows 4 pages for me. Along with this new bug where I cannot even view my or other players’ badges at all. Very annoying.


This needs to be fixed ASAP. This has the potential to be dangerous for impressionable kids who fall for admin scams, now there’s no way of telling who’s an official Roblox admin unless they looking through all their groups…


A fix is in the works, as Bitwise said further up.

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Staff will never contact you outside of official channels and will never ask you to do anything related to security of your account. You should never do favors that compromise your account security for people who say they are staff regardless of whether they have the Roblox staff badge or not.

Not being able to see admin badges is inconvenient but should not matter at all if you are sane about security.


Have you considered that there are Roblox users which are, you know, vulnerable and impressionable kids?

Like, other than the OP?

For younger users an admin badge really does matter as they are not as vigilant as most people on this forum. Have you considered that @AubSob2020 is not the only individual on this platform?

Think of it like this. There is a very official looking Roblox message who really claims they are an admin. These have been popping around lately.


Now imagine me as the innocent kid. I would never trust someone with my info but… they look so legit as a member of Roblox staff!

With no way of easily discerning whether or not they are an administrator I may very well believe the message they sent. They said that they are legitimate, correct? I wouldn’t want to be banned for not following instructions…

Boom. There goes my account.

Do you see the issue now?


Maybe do a double-take on posts before replying in the future (and also avoid text-walling people unnecessarily, I’m not reading all that).

I’m just reinforcing that people shouldn’t blindly trust anyone who says they are a staff user and needs them to do anything (even if they have a staff badge) – the person I’m responding to suggested otherwise which is dangerous behavior security-wise. A staff user can be compromised.


Since when?? All they quite literally said was that people would say that they were a Roblox admin. Since when did they suggest that “users should trust Roblox admins all the time?” It sounds like you’re shoving words into my- and their- mouth.

You explicitly stated that:

I argue the contrary. Admin badges are necessary. This is the statement I am responding to. You argue that you shouldn’t trust anyone ever and therefore the badge is useless- I argue that it is useful.

So you literally refuse to read the post you are responding to yet you demand that I read the post I am responding to. Double standards much?


I think impersonation is a non-problem. Does the staff badge still appear in-game? If it does then this is good. Someone that is under 13 their account should be configured appropriately so they shouldn’t randomly be messaged, if they are 13+ that is absolutely on them for being impressionable.

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The same people who fall for those messages are the same people who don’t check badges in the first place. This likely does not affect on the scale you think it does. No need to write essays.


I don’t think the points M_caw made should be dismissed because gullibility, like every other personality trait, is a spectrum. Making broad assumptions about groups of millions of people (including children and adults) shouldn’t be normalized. I understand where you’re coming from though, you’re likely well versed in internet security and so is everyone in your immediate social circle, so you guys don’t realize how many gullible people there are and to what degree they would be.

The overarching problem here is that Roblox is doing a poor job at identifying moderators/staff since their status not clearly labeled on their profile, somewhere users will be able to look at immediately upon visiting & say “oh, they’re actually an admin” or vice versa.

This is just rude and was an unnecessary comment. The devforum should expect better from their community leads


But I can’t see anyone’s inventory?! Also Rolimons still can see people’s limiteds so that’s weird.

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Yes, BTRoblox adds that. So basically roblox just deleted all badges. I don’t see a negative part about badges, but oh well, one of the best features on the website is gone. /shrug


Yes I know, this was from a while ago, and thought it would be good to share it.

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I apologize if I wasn’t clear. If you reread, nobody here is dismissing anything because of users being gullible, nor is anyone making broad assumptions about how gullible people are.

My statement is simple; the people who currently fall for scams do not know to check if the sender has the admin badge, and if they did, they wouldn’t fall for scams. Further, if they know to check for the badge, they must know that people might be trying to trick them, so they would not immediately assume the scam is real if they can’t find an admin badge. It’s more likely they would fall for these scams because of fake admin groups and official-looking bios than this badge temporarily being missing. The admin badge is only useful to people who are already actively aware of risks, which the people who fall for these scams are not.

Therefore, the visibility of this badge does not impact the people who already currently fall for these scams or are at risk of these scams, and passionate essays about “badge gone; kids will suffer”, and over-worded retorts are excessive. Does this make more sense? :slight_smile:

Let us keep a grasp on the real scale of issues. This forum is getting noisy enough. Support a feature request if you feel passionately about the need for a better admin badge on profile pages.


Maybe I’m just built different, but I don’t see how any of their retorts are “over-worded”. At most it’ll take 30 seconds to read through it in the absence of a condition like dyslexia. I suppose this is a matter of opinion though. Your post here does help prove my point that there is an existing issue where users have to scroll down to check for a (currently non existent) badge to verify admin status, which leads into this:

Sure thing


roblox even removed all of the game badges on the profile

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I’m late, but I think they will be added back in the future with updated icons or something.

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Oh yes, I also saw that you can not view people’s inventory, even though it is public.


uhhhh… i used to have like 20 pages of badges but now its only 4

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No they’re right there. Only the roblox badges were removed.

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