All free models in my inventory have a 404 response

The free models I’ve made for the community used to show up in the Models search using the creator hub if Include unverified creators option is enabled (sigh) but now none do. Additionally, no models will show up when searching my creator name.

Going to my profile here Inventory - Roblox and clicking on any of the models throws a 404. What’s going on here? Is my profile shadow banned from accessing my models? It seems like they all are bugged and can no longer be accessible.

Browser info:
Brave - Version 1.61.109 (Chromium: 120.0.6099.144)
Windows 11

It could be this started happening around the time this change went out.

Page URL:


I have had that happen for a number of models, but am still able to insert them into Studio using a command. Your Segway is still out there somewhere though:

I was able to import it using this command (you can copy/paste this into the command line and it should import):

for _, object in ipairs(game:GetObjects(“rbxassetid://331554374”)) do object.Parent = workspace end

I found this command here on the forum, but its been a while and can’t recall who posted it but kudos to that dev. Its the only way I have of accessing some of the stuff I had in my inventory before that change.

As for that change, well - I’m not sure what they were thinking to cut people off from their own creations but I’m glad there is a workaround.

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Interesting. Then it appears the models are not deleted. Only no one can access them from the website.

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I think some have been deleted - sometimes the command won’t pull in what I try to get it to but it is great to have nonetheless as items become increasingly inaccessible otherwise.

I got a message about where the command came from and wanted to add it here as an attribution and a huge thanks to @VSCPlays for posting it.

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Hey @Q_Q , are you still seeing this issue?
It looks like more are showing up now. It might have been due to a transient issue that happened a couple weeks ago, sorry about that.

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I’m seeing the model pages appear now. It seemed to have fixed itself nonetheless.


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