This is quite a bizarre bug. First, I noticed it on the homepage. Every single one of my friends, no matter what their status was (In-game, website, studio, or offline), was being shown as playing “website”. Hovering over any of their profiles even gave me the option to join this “experience”, which always lead me to nowhere. This same issue was still present in the Friend’s tab, it showed everyone as playing “website”.

I instantly started troubleshooting. Turned off my extensions, cleared cookies, everything. I normally use Brave as my browser, so I tried Microsoft Edge, and the issue was still there. I even logged onto the mobile app, and the issue was still there.
Where it started to get interesting is when i logged onto my second account, and boom, issue was gone. Friends list was normal, displaying everyone’s status as they where supposed to. logging back into my main account, the issue was still there. After feeling defeated, I decided to just wait it out to see if it would fix itself, and it has not for a whole week now.
As a summary, ive tried everything on my side of things to try and resolve it. you name it, i probably did it. I searched the internet far and wide and found no similar issues, so im taking it upon myself to file my first bug report ever. I truely believe this is outside of my control, and only on my account. I went around and asked my friends if they had the same issue, and they have not. This is no critical error, but it is seriously bothersome not being able to join other players.
PLEASE ask me questions I just wanna get to the bottom of this like I’ve never felt so defeated by a stupid BUG
Expected behavior
As seen when I logged onto my second account, every player in my friends lists should simply be displaying their respective statuses, and not being shown as playing website 24/7.