I have collected all gears in just one place to archive them. File is bigger than 10MBs, so you can download it through my cdn.
All the gears download
All the gear sounds download
Great! When I’ll be done with my current project, I’ll try making a plugin to fix all those gears, and then make it useable to fix old games. This might allow me to fix:
- LoadLibrary
- FilteringDisabled
- RollOffMinDistance set to 0
- Missing audios (rubberband.wav, swoosh.wav, …)
- R15 support (?)
I wanted to do the same, but since you already did, I’ll just enjoy using this.
Update! I extracted all gear sounds and removed duplicates. Feel free to use them in your projects.
I will personaly use this in a lot of different projects because the gear sounds give your game ROBLOXy feel.
Wow awesome! Having all the audios of those gears would be awesome. I will try to fix some of the broken gears that are using old code features that no longer exist
Theres so many gears using linked source and old gui elements, gl
By simply accessing places with linkedSource roblox sort of fixes the issue themself locally i think. By the way i just found a way to replicate the old loadLibrary function with a custom module.
What the hell is this sound
bloxy cola drinking but its addiction
Gear sounds are pure gold i swear to god we will never have roblox like this again:
And also these gear sounds make up a really good sound library to be honest.
It seems the download link isn’t working on my end. Is the link still valid?
everything is working, my vpss are fine. Its your browsers fault because i didnt buy a https connection domain and just went with direct ip and port of the server with http connection.
That’s definitely useful. Thank you!
I’m on the newest stable release of Google Chrome, although I was able to resolve the issue by using JDownloader 2. Definitely going to be using some of the old gear sounds, thanks for compiling these!