All group-related endpoints are completely inaccessible when accessed from my network

Every time I try to do anything related to groups on my network, I get 500 errors. I’ve tried using without browser extensions in incognito and two different devices to no avail. Using cellular data loads the pages fine.

Just as a heads up, I’m not sure if this belongs here or in website bugs because it occurs everywhere.


System info:
Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics @ 3.90GHz
48GB DDR4 RAM (47.9 usable) @ 3200MHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070Ti

iPhone 14 Pro Max on iOS 16.2

Backend log info:
User ID: 605492589
Place IDs: 13667512479, 6289365295, 12413055648
Time it started was around 10PM Atlantic Daylight Savings Time, however I made a request specifically for this issue at 11:48:59 PM.
Console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()index.htm -
I’ve uploaded logs and ipconfig to the private content box.
I have no other information on this issue.

Expected behavior

All group APIs should be accessible on my network.

A private message is associated with this bug report

This is also occuring in some of my game servers. My game relies on the groups API to get the ranks of users and this is severely affecting it.

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Believe it or not this is reassuring to know I’m not the only one. I have asked loads of people and they all said it was working for them :sweat_smile:

You’re welcome, I guess :joy:

Seems it’s only affecting certain servers, possibly based on their IPs? I soft rebooted the affected servers and the error has stopped spamming my systems now - maybe try that. I have around ~250 players in ~5 servers currently.

It has to do with my local network I believe since it’s reproducible on multiple devices, so restarting my computer probably wouldn’t have an effect.

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Turns out this is a duplicate: