All items are not appear in the Item Sponsored Ads list

Hello, I’m advertising my UGC items regularly. But from some point on, only the advertising data for some UGC items are showing, and the past UGC items are not showing on the list. I can’t even check the results of past item advertisements.

The last item shown in the attached image was released on November 21, 2023, and there are 320+ items released before that, but they are not listed.

Please restore to check the advertising data of all the items released in my store as before. Thank you!


Still waiting for a response. If anyone has any updates, please let me know! :sob:

Hi there, there’s currently a limit on how many assets we show. In the meantime you can use the below URL link and replace the assetID. Please let us know if you need additional help /sponsorships/list?assetId=10003116650#!/avatar-items

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Hello, thank you for your response!
I tried using the URL link you told me, but it doesn’t work. I think it’s because my items are registered in the group, is there a URL for the group item?

For your information, my group ID is: 13809262

I’m desperate for this to be patched up. I can’t pay any more sponsor ads on the marketplace because I don’t know the outcome even if I spend money.


I am having the same issue, both for group items and newly created items on my profile.

For avatar items in the group, you can use the link below to access manually<groupID>?assetid=<assetID>#!/avatar-items
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This doesn’t work, it says the item is not selected.

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Hi, sorry for the trouble! In order to understand the issue, do you mind checking a few things?

  • Please make sure the url format is correct. Here’s an example:!/avatar-items
  • Does the url format work for any items that you can already select in the dropdown menu?
  • Is there a particular subset of items that the url doesn’t work for? Please provide the group id and asset ids for these.
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Url format I believe I typed it correctly!

Items currently displayed in the dropdown all work in the corresponding url, but items not displayed in the dropdown uploaded before that do not work.

For example, the :four_leaf_clover:Cute Winter Dress Outfit (Brown) (Id: 89161446833030) item currently located at the bottom of the drop-down menu can be advertised when using url, but the :four_leaf_clover:Cute Winter Dress Outfit (Blue) (Id: 103146929514337), which was uploaded just before that, displays an error that the item was not selected when the asset ID was inserted into url.

My group ID is 13809262, and I cannot check the advertisement for all items from my first item to :four_leaf_clover:Cute Winter Dress Outfit (Blue). I give you some IDs. (112022686015342, 126381099920396, 118440531993877)

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Thanks for providing that information. This is currently under investigation, and I’ll post updates when available.

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Hi, a fix has just been released. Please verify if the issue has been resolved on your end. Thanks!

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Hi - omg this url link is now working for most of the past items. Thank you for fixing the issue!

It works fine for the recent 1078 items in my group, but still doesn’t work for the 218 assets uploaded before that, so it would be great if there could be an update for those as well. Thanks!

Hi, can you verify that the dropdown menu is also working as expected for those items that you couldn’t see previously? The fix should have allowed you to see all assets that are eligible to be sponsored.

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Hi, I’ve checked and the drop-down menu is still showing a limited number of items, but something has changed and whereas before the items were listed in order of most recently uploaded, it seems that this is no longer the case. Those two items next to each other at the end of the drop-down list shouldn’t be displayed at the same time, as they have very different registration dates as shown in the attached image, and there are about 90 items uploaded between them.

I’m not sure what criteria is now displaying the items in the dropdown menu.

I also noticed that the drop-down list is showing items that I recently made available for sale as limited free items.

Plus, the items that were originally in the drop-down menu went to the detailed page when I entered the URL below separately, but now none of the items can utilize the URL below.!/avatar-items

Hi, I checked today and the URL is working again! (Still not working for the 200+ items uploaded in the past, though).