ALL modules in my game broke?

I have no idea what happened but something like REALLY bad happened.

Basically every module in my game that I require errors for no reason that I know of?


The line it errors on is a blank line which is really something I do not get?

This worked before and I didn’t change 1 module since then

19:03:55.652 - ServerScriptService.Modules.TroopsAttack:41: ‘’ expected near ‘spawn’

  [19:03:55.654 - Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

19:03:55.656 - Stack Begin

[19:03:55.657 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Events', Line 1](rbxopenscript://

19:03:55.658 - Stack End

[19:03:55.660 - ServerScriptService.Modules.DsSchema:12: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [19:03:55.662 - Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

19:03:55.663 - Stack Begin

[19:03:55.664 - Script 'ServerScriptService.PlayerStats', Line 1](rbxopenscript://

19:03:55.665 - Stack End

[19:03:57.791 - Chat.ChatModules.TeamChat:191: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module TeamChat: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.795 - Chat.ChatModules.MuteSpeaker:111: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module MuteSpeaker: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.797 - Chat.ChatModules.MeCommand:27: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module MeCommand: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.799 - Chat.ChatModules.ChatMessageValidator:70: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module ChatMessageValidator: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.802 - Chat.ChatModules.PrivateMessaging:174: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module PrivateMessaging: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.810 - Chat.ChatModules.FriendJoinNotifier:65: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module FriendJoinNotifier: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.814 - Chat.ChatModules.ChatCommandsTeller:66: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module ChatCommandsTeller: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.816 - Chat.ChatModules.ChatFloodDetector:95: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module ChatFloodDetector: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

[19:03:57.818 - Chat.ChatModules.ExtraDataInitializer:197: '<eof>' expected near 'spawn'](rbxopenscript://

  [Error running module ExtraDataInitializer: Requested module experienced an error while loading](rbxopenscript://

Alright thanks hopefully it works, cause currently this has broken my whole game ;(

Can you paste the code of TroopsAttack, and highlight line 41?

It’s an empty line, same with the previous line

Have you installed any Plugins as of lately?

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I can hear a backdoor, check your plugins.

Before we actually change the code, do they work in-game? This is a Studio session and if they don’t work in Studio only, assume a backdoor.

Otherwise, it is some sort of complete mess-up in the code by Roblox.


Oh no, I installed model resize plugin after deleting it a while ago yikes…

So what they did is they inserted code at the last lined tabbed so far the right it would be hard to notice. The reason module scripts errored is because you can’t have code after return. My dev downloaded a infected plugin but we fixed the issue. Anyways the account responsible for the module is deleted aswell as the module itself.


He’s getting a lua syntax error inside studio (so locally) “end of file expected near spawn” how can you think that is that an issue with Roblox servers?

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