Hello! Huge problem! Every single script in my game was working fine 5 minutes ago and they all literally just decided to break! I’m so confused right now, can I get some help? How does this even happen?!?!
seems like they didn’t exist when the player joined have you ever tried WaitForChild()
Yes, they were working perfectly fine 10 minutes ago.
wait’s until the child has loaded, did you edit your code when you played at this very moment?
I haven’t made any changes to any of the scripts in the past hour. I have multiple people working on the game so maybe they did, I am asking them right now. Edit: The other developers have not made any changes either.
may I have a look on all your explorer and your script’s codes
ok that’s the code what was the previous code that you had when it works?
Hey, I Think I might know the answer to your problem.It’s happened to me before.So for me, it was a Roblox studio bug so I decided to actually join the game in Roblox, and there were no errors.Try that and see if it works.Also try closing studio then reopening it.
Try sending a picture of your player in explorer. These errors are mainly/all related to something not being found.
This has happened to me before and my solution worked I could obviously see the things it said wasn’t a valid member of something were in workspace.It could be a studio bug tell me if I’m wrong.
Actually this is a studio bug. I just opened up studio to finish my intro script and my script is erroring. However, luckily the script remains to be mainly effective. I believe this is currently only happening with variables.
Yes like in
local ls = Instance.new("Folder",player)
ls.Name = ("leaderstats")
It would say leaderstats is not a valid member of player.
Yes, simply do your function without calling a variable. However, in this case leaderstats is something we can’t do anything about.
Personally, my issue is mainly currently with PlayerGui. I just do game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Loading
instead of using a variable.
It was the exact same code. I hadn’t made changes to the code in a while, it just randomly broke.
Found out the Problem, builder messed with the leaderstats script. Fixed it now.