All sounds play on loop at once when joining game

I didn’t touch anything in my game pertaining to sounds recently, but now when I join, every single sound in the game plays at once and then never stops. The local log shows these errors upon joining, I’ve not seen these before.

Can confirm

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I guess this is why I’m hearing a stampede of footstep sounds in Brick Bronze

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I think it’s something to do with Sound.PlayOnRemoved?

They broke almost evrything.
Sounds that play on the client, parented to the playegui now play from a Position, rather then just playing globally.


@spotco Is this related to any of the recent sound changes you mentioned previously?

Mentioned cases should be fixed.
The current problem is with un-updated servers.

Please post any links to places that are currently broken.

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I’ll stay in my current server that’s having the repeating sound issue in case you want to find it specifically. I’ve set my follow settings to allow everyone.

I’m having an issue where the sounds placed on StarterGui are heard from a camera distance or don’t sound at all. It seems to happen to some games.

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Try restarting the server, a change was made in the past 20 minutes that should fix the problem mentioned.

Alright, will do.

Joined this place just now, and got the errors.
Also, is this what’s making my place load slower than usual? I usually never see the terrain loading before my custom loading screen appears.

Can you post the errors you see? They should only be server errors.

FYI, the updated sound code will print errors in several cases where the old code did not. Specifically setting the SoundId of a Sound object to an invalid/unaccessible value.

It is possible. Servers will now load the actual assets of the sound files, and if you block on that loading may be significantly slower.

Can you describe what you do sound-wise in your networked code (things in workspace)?

The errors are local:

I actually don’t have any sound in this game yet, at all, but I still got the errors. Not sure if related

Not sure if this is related to this bug but, recently the sounds for me are playing weird. For example, when putting a sound in StarterGui, instead of playing in background like always, now it plays from a range until you go away from a certain distance and stop hearing it.

got the same issue.

Not related, should not be causing any problems.

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The place I mentioned earlier ended up having issues in a new server. There’s battle music whenever you battle a Pokemon, and it doesn’t start anymore when the battle begins. It starts sometime later, but not immediately when the battle begins like it used to. Maybe it only starts working when it ends up looping?

Repro steps: Join game, go through tutorial if you haven’t, and then run around in tall grass until you encounter a wild pokemon. Battle music won’t start playing until after a while.

This one should be fixed when joining a new game.