All Transactions Haulted


Paid 14K robux to an artist I commisioned:

Robux was deducted from my account, but there is no pending robux on the transaction page of the user who is receiving the payment. It also does not show on my purchase tab.

My transactions page:

Recipient’s transaction page:

All my UGC sales and sales of products in games have also not been processed. Like the commission, the robux is deducted from the user’s account but does not appear in the purchases tab for the buyer nor the sale of goods tab for the recipient.

I tested this by buying a product in my own game and buying my UGC.

As you can see, there are steady UGC sales up until around 9/10 AM CST.

The users that buy the products/UGC receive the product and have robux deducted, but the developer’s pay is not processed and the purchase is also not logged.


This is also happening to me, our game just stopped giving any Robux for any microtransaction except private servers.

I’m also experiencing the same issue, hopefully it gets resolved soon.

I make Robux from UGC every minute, and I haven’t earned any revenue since 5:57 PM in the GMT+3 time zone. That means there’s been a problem with your systems since 10:57 AM EST, preventing us from earning from UGC item sales for almost 4 hours. I hope this gets fixed as soon as possible because it’s causing me to lose tens of thousands of Robux in revenue, especially during peak community activity hours.

Edit: I refreshed the page, and sales from a few minutes after it got stuck have started appearing. I guess this is due to high traffic, causing transactions to take longer to process. Hopefully, it will quickly catch up, and nothing is lost.

We’re investigating this issue right now. At this point it appears to be a delay with transaction logging that is only affecting metrics and analytics. The actual transactions are successful and no Robux are lost.

We will get this fixed as quickly as possible. Thanks for your understanding.


Am expirencing the same issue, I pray its a visual bug and NOT a transaction bug where all purchases are voided :sob:

Aight thank goodness, keep us updated :pray:

Update: We are actively working on the issue and expect a full resolution within the next few hours. Please be assured that no transactions are lost – this is purely a logging issue. Once resolved, all transaction logs will appear as expected.

Thank you for your patience as we address this.


This issue seems to be fixed on my end

My transactions are still lagging by an hour and a half. I’ll update here again once it’s fixed on my end.

Edit: It’s caught up now, and there are second-long delays for new sales, but I don’t mind it, as long as it doesn’t last absurdly long. No one can probably imagine how many transactions are happening right now, I even broke my sales record today.

I want to thank the staff who dedicated part of their weekend to dealing with this issue because it’s not that important, and it could have been addressed at another time. I appreciate your quick response.

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We’ve fixed this bug, and the issue should no longer be occurring!
Thanks again for the report.