This is a major bug. Every time I go to anything that is web-related (Like for example the Servers page on games, Profile, Communities, Inventory, Settings, Messages, Blog, etc) inside of the Roblox application it causes extreme lag, like I’m guessing 2 fps, and the only fix is to completely relaunch the entire app. Anything that isn’t web related runs completely smoothly like scrolling through experiences, changing avatar, playing experiences, etc.
I have tested this on iOS 13.4, iOS 14.3, and iOS 15.8.3. It does not happen on iOS 15 and above. I have seen a video of this happening on iOS 12 from someone else.
I don’t know how long this has been happening but it’s been happening for at least 4 months. I’m guessing anywhere from 4 months to a year.
Here is a video I made of it happening, the application running completely fine and smooth like 60 fps, then I go into Servers and the app becomes like 2 fps and completely unusable. It is only 28 seconds long so please watch it:
Expected behavior
I expect web-related parts of the app to not cause this permanent lag that can only be fixed by relaunching the app. Like opening Servers on games should not cause the app to run at 2 fps where the only fix is to completely relaunch the entire app.