Allow access to control sessions here on the DevForums

As a Roblox developer and an user of the form, it is currently impossible for me to force log out all active sessions or just generally control sessions on the DevForums unless I get DET to do it for me.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because it allows me to take immediate action to reduce the risk of old sessions or otherwise sessions from periods of reduced security.

Developers on the DevForums have access to confidential information or otherwise private information, either by Roblox or other developers, protecting that data is vital for legal and professional reasons.

Developers are also compromised, often by their own errors, we should be able to correct that ourselves, we have this on the Roblox platform. We should have it here.

Maybe you want to check how many devices are connected to your DevForum account? Maybe force a single account left.

There are several scales of how this could go

  • Maybe just a single force all sessions out button
  • Similar like the admin panel for discourse where you can see each session
  • Maybe something else

Honestly, I don’t really understand why they don’t have that on the defourms. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you can log out of all other devices with a click of a button in the Roblox settings. So why is it not here yet?

I hope this gets added…

It’s odd that they have this hidden, it’s available to have too and you can see what devices are logged in.

Discourse actually has this by default, but it was removed here since it exposed sensitive information.

This is a default Discourse feature that we have not turned off:


To log out of all forum sessions, simply log out on your current session. It should invalidate all other sessions active for your user account.

This is not quite why it was “removed”, see here for the actual reason: "Recently Used Devices" section is guarded by "canCheckEmails" which seems unexpected - dev - Discourse Meta

I have not gotten around to submitting a pull request to Discourse to resolve this yet. (if anyone feels confident, welcome to take a stab at it!)


In that case could the log out button be changed to “Log out from all sessions” from “Log out”?

Perhaps, but a cleaner change would be submitting the change above to Discourse so that we can reinstate the sessions widget in preferences. That way sessions can be managed more granularly.