Allow Attachment1 of physics constraints to also allow baseparts

A typical wheel on a car setup, as of today.

Currently, working with constraints that have two attachments is very fragile.

If you move, resize, or rotate either part in this setup (Wheel or Car), your whole physics rig no longer works, and you have to go rummage around and copy the worldCframe data from A0 to A1 to make it work again after every edit.

What I propose is the following addition to two-attachment constraints, in that you allow the Attachment1 parameter to also be any basepart

This would look like this:

Proposed change

In this newly proposed setup A1 goes away, and you point the Attachment1 parameter of Hinge directly at Car
The A0 instance would become the relative attachment point between the Wheel and the Car.

What this means is:

  1. You can move, resize, rotate Wheel and not have to adjust the attachments
  2. You can move, resize, rotate Car and not have to adjust the attachments
  3. Wheel can become self contained - all the instances that affect it are within its own hierarchy (A0 and Hinge)

And then - the prestige! Watch this:

If I want to add a second wheel, all I have to do is clone the first one and move it to where it goes!

With this setup, roblox physics would become a lot more intuitive and robust - things that “look right” would be “be right” a lot more often, and open up the ability to resize and explore and play with physics much more without things constantly breaking.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi MrChickenRocket,

Our team is actively working on making it easier to use our constraint system altogether - thank you for this feedback and idea! We will definitely consider it as we brainstorm what would be most useful and universally applicable to all constraints.

Please continue to provide feedback/suggestions and stay tuned for improvements to come!


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