Pretty much I want to be able to edit and view CFrame properties without the command line.
Pretty much I want to be able to edit and view CFrame properties without the command line.
The problem here is choosing a proper way to display them. Should the cframe read as a position then a lookvector, a position then euler angles, or just all the components? All the components is the most accurate but also the least useful from a property-editing point of view.
Then what should be displayed under the cframe? Position sure, but should it show lookvector or euler angles? Maybe both?
Err… How is being able to edit the CFrame like you posted in the OP useful? Tool grips are like that, and I could never ever get the hang of that – I always set the grip property through the command bar when I want to change the grip.
In my opinion, a Position and a LookVector would probably be the easiest way to visualise and use this in development.
Displaying the way OP has it is the best, but give the look vector and up vector highest priority, and generate the side vector based on those two with a cross product if the side vector is 0,0,0, or too far off of being right angle.
It would also be super useful if you could input non-unit length vectors, and it would unitize them before straightening the CFrame, that way you could use the CFrame property to make parts that follow a slope between two parts by just entering their positional differences.
Part.Rotation is already in properties, so there’s no need in having it be in angles.
CFrames are easy to screw up when you edit them by hand. Display, sure. Edit, no. As for displaying them, the 12-component readout is good enough (x,y,z, xx,yx,zx, xy,yy,zy, xz,yz,zz)
IMO, if we had this feature, euler would slightly be better than quaternions or the whole CFrame matrix, since you can actually edit eulers easily when some rotation axes are parallel to world axes.
Rather than trying to pointlessly tinker with them, we can actually copy rotations from one part to another. Might be slightly useful in some cases.
Oh, but wait, we already have that feature. lol.
I don’t think any of you understand that Euler angles are not reliable and you would not be able to use them to customize CFrame values.
Has anybody considered a 3D editor, much like what uses to rotate images? Although it should not show the angles like does, but instead the matrix. I was more directly specifying the 3D ball (or block if it were used on ROBLOX).
You don’t know what you are talking about.