Allow Clothing Asset Updates

Creating clothing on Roblox seems as if it’s never changed. I love designing, don’t get me wrong, but a few changes here and there wouldn’t hurt.
Currently, designers upload outfits one at a time (unless they have the extension that allows multiple files). To me, creating my clothing in paint.NET, uploading, and putting the piece on sale just isn’t good enough. I preview my clothing in multiple games using multiple packages (along with R6 and R15). If I find an error, I go back into paint.NET and fix them — uploading the fixed piece again. I like keeping my inventory clean and only showcase/keep my best work, so I tend to delete the scraps from my inventory. Sometimes thats 3+ outfits.
My suggestion: allow clothing asset updates.
On Roblox you can update games and models, but why not take it further and allow clothing asset updating?
I’ve been designing for 4+ years now, and the amount of times I wished I could update assets is uncountable. I’m not the only one, I’ve talked to a handful of designers who felt the same.
It could be simple: on the Develop page in Shirts/Pants/Tee’s, you’ll notice a configure and advertise icon next to each piece of clothing. In that dropdown menu, add “update,” or even put the update option somewhere in the configure page. Once you click update, simply add the updated template and save. Then obviously the asset would have to be moderated again.
However, with the copiers (just people who want money basically) I can see how this is a major problem. People could take advantage of updating outfits to something completely different from what it was at one point and scam people out of their money. My suggestion on that would be having specific people (moderators) compare before/after of assets to make sure they aren’t taking advantage of the system.

Just a thought, let me know on what you think. I’m always up for discussion!

EDIT: Now that Roblox charges a fee (I believe it’s 10 robux?) to upload clothing, this is so much more relevant. Though moderating each edit I’m sure could be hard – not the part of something inappropriate, but ensuring each update is consistent with the previous version, this idea comes back to my mind often. I know newer designers struggle to make profits with such a large community, and having this would help in a small way!


Errr… yeah, this would be nice.


I know the feeling.

As I’m working on one piece I tend to upload it several times as I progress with it, constantly making changes until I feel it’s right. Sure, you could work out all these things on the template, but I find it easier to get a feel for the clothing in-game first.

Just look at this to get an idea of how much I do this:

Catalog - Roblox

edit: Okay well when embedding that link it doesn’t work properly so ignore it.


“Bad request” from the link.
But, oddly enough I always looked up to you and your designs, so I know how you upload your progress. It was always cool seeing you put each piece together over time. I even watched one of your videos lol.

Allowing asset updates would just make it easier for 1) working with clients and editing things upon their request, and 2) making edits of little flaws you may find in-game.

I think the link should be okay now, it was a problem when it was being embedded. I stuck quotation marks around it so that it doesn’t do that now.

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Would allowing asset updates freely until it has been bought work? This may solve the problem without needing to introduce a convoluted moderation process. The idea being you can upload a draft to the website and test it as many times as you want, but as soon as you share it, the version is locked in.


That’s not a bad idea. Although I struggle with this too: sometimes it takes someone pointing an error out after they’ve purchased my clothing for me to fix it.

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