Allow creators to have Private Servers for free


Yeah. I have popular games with constant players and find it very helpful to use a VIP server to test it alone.


He’s probably referring to the way they found the server IP address and were able to DDoS game servers.


As a Roblox developer, it is currently hard (without wasting Robux) for a developer to set up a VIP server.

For example, if VIP servers are enabled on your own game for R$200, the owner of that game would have to pay that amount to enable it and then due to the taxes, only receive R$140 (Builders club) or R$60 (Non builders club) back from their purchase.

This is already a feature of gamepasses, where the developer who made the gamepass owns it upon creation and can therefor use it’s perks in-game.

It makes sense for a developer or a development team to have a private server that they can use for testing outside of studio, without wasting Robux.


Three years later it doesn’t seem this has been implemented yet, I’ve taken a look at my own games and I’m still forced to pay robux to open up VIP servers, wanted to re-bump this feature as it would be very helpful and should absolutely be implemented.


for closure :woman_cartwheeling:


FWIW this feature request is for free VIP servers for developers of the game, but not necessarily everyone who plays the game.


Oops, you right. I guess we are on the right track though :wink:


Bumping this thread as VIP Private servers seem to be in the spotlight lately, this would be really helpful for community events, testing and should absolutely be introduced.


cough private servers now

I also support this. Private servers are an awesome place to test new updates before shutting down servers


Support! Going to bump this as one of my games uses testing purposes/sessions and the ability to have “Private Servers” for free for owners it kind of nice in my opinion but ever since the addition of free servers, I guess some might want users to still buy Private Servers and free for themselves.

Anywho, having the ability for Private Servers to be free for creators is something great for a lot of developers as they don’t have to worry about a test place or pay R$ for something they might use 3-4 times a month. Other developers, like me, need Private Servers to test out features with a group of testers before an update and have to use a public server instead of a private one which sucks.

^ Private Servers or “VIP” servers are a thing but for some developers, they want users to still buy it so they could earn revenue, but that’s just my thought. :man_shrugging:


As a roblox developer, It’s currently too hard to test games without being inside the public server, VIP Private Servers are necessary for game developers for testing, You can make it free, but it applies to everyone, not just the developers, they need free private servers just for them to test features, etc.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, It would improve my development experience because I can access private servers without having to pay robux


Why isn’t this already a thing?
Only other way I see this being possible is by making a new Server trough script and putting a filter to it, it’s currently teh only way I can think of


(I bump because I can’t create my own topic)
It would be great for the debugging vip only features


I would be so happy to be able to create private servers for free for me for some of my testing purposes. I would also really like to be able to have private servers to host events on specifically. Having to pay 100 Robux every month for a private server on my own game just feels wrong.


Creators should be able to get everything in their game for free that involves robux tbh.


i never understood this logic at all. ngl roblox should make it for creators always free.
Its odd how devs have to pay for their own in-game posessions


board is private, what does the card say?


gamepasses, devproducts, and vip servers should be free for the owner outside of studio, if a group game can be a new permission

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As an asset that sits in a players inventory, Private Servers:

  • allow for unique or more customized experiences
  • provides live testing environments with controlled participation
  • add another avenue for progress acceleration if other players can pose a hinderance
  • addition revenue stream for the development team

Blanket Free Price:

  • lowers barrier for controlled social activities in relevant games, etc.
  • removes a revenue stream from a game

Reward ownership of Private Server to players:

  • increased reward opportunities for developer
  • greater engagement (complete game/achievement → get server)
  • a tangible reward that exists beyond game (badges) but has a function and allows for above social benefits
  • maintain a higher price/threshold for buying, allowing revenue from pay-to-win players and not leaving out the grinders. likely increasing overall revenue
  • allow developers the ability to provide contributors access to private servers at no cost.

Just an idea.

Applicable to other assets that have value generated by developers: gamepasses, UGC, badges(exists already), heck you could revamp places with some tweaks and probably make that work too. But servers as an often free and unfocused asset, is a good start :slight_smile: