Allow developers control over which SmoothTerrain LOD is active in Studio

As a Roblox developer, it’s difficult to view, modify, or otherwise affect the auto-generated terrain LOD. I find that this mostly causes problems when terrain is proximate to other level geometry. I’m sure the image below, which shows terrain close up first, and then further away, looks familiar to most of us:


While it is possible to make the LOD pretty with the current functionality, the fix consists of putting your camera far out, eroding/subtracting some terrain, zooming back in, checking you didn’t remove too much and fixing it if you did, putting your camera far out once again… you get the idea. It’s trial and error, it’s tedious, and it’s just a plain pain in the butt.

I think that this issue could be eased by simply allowing the developer more control over exactly which LOD they are viewing and editing. What makes it frustrating currently is the fact that you have to move your camera far away to view the terrain at different LODs, which in turn reduces the accuracy of your tools and resulting edits. An ability to “force” or toggle a certain LOD level (LOD0, LOD1, LOD2, etc.) in Studio would make the “distance based editing” described above much quicker and simpler, because rather than relying on view distance to view/edit an LOD, a developer could freely choose which LOD level to view and edit at. I imagine such a setting could be a property of the Terrain instance. I also want to stress that I think this setting should only be active in Studio, and not on the client whatsoever.