Allow developers to adjust their command bar history

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    In my case, I want to have command bar history further back than what I am allowed now (As of right now, it is only a few executed commands showing for the history). For example, a solution would be allowing players to set the amount to save out of the recent command bar history commands from only 9-10 back to 15-20 if needed. Another solution would be at-least allowing developers to delete certain command bar history executions they choose.

  2. What is the issue?
    Not being able to set the number of output history executions to be greater or lesser than the amount shown in the image.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have only tried saving command bar execution codes in the windows notepad and sometimes publish them as scripts but after a while you don’t think to do that because you’d expect at-least some recent executions to be saved in the command bar history. Unfortunately, right now it only saves the most recently used commands up to a certain amount.

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Pretty sure this isn’t the correct category to place this in, but I agree. I ran into this issue a month or so ago and my approach was to not use the command line at all, but to write my code in a Server Script and save it as a Local Plugin. The script runs immediately with (I’m pretty sure) the same permissions as the command line has. The only downside to this is Local Plugins run every time Studio is opened, so you’d need to open the Local Plugins folder and delete the .lua file that was saved each time. I typically keep these “plugins” in a folder as disabled Scripts in ServerScriptService so they don’t run when a game is ran, but when I want them to. Hope this was of help.

Sorry, I had just joined and seen a previous command bar inquiry and it was in the same category so thats why I did it too. But thats a nice way to do it. My commands are always for different and quick actions but sometimes requires long lines that would just be more fortunate to not have to take time and save it as a plugin knowing I’ll probably never use it again to that extent but would be nice to have it in the command bar already saved and only needing to access it again by using the arrow keys.

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