Allow drag and drop for textures in studio

What would really be a nice QOL addition, would be to allow drag and drop into the inputs of the textures for a surface appearance.

I realize things can be added in bulk to the Asset Manager, however, sometimes you need to just quickly make a change, such as when Roblox decides that your normal map is not allowed, and you need to make some adjustments and re-upload. It is just so convenient to be able to drag and drop instead of clicking the input, then clicking add, then navigating through folders.



It’s a good but also a bad thing. Picture someone with this awesome three monitor setup, dragging a funny meme over across the monitors. Their mouse dies when it hits the properties panel, and they get banned.

There needs to be a dialog box for these kinds of things. If that were implemented, it would sure save a lot of time.


Of course you are right, you need a confirm dialog, I am just saying the ability would make things easier.

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