Currently as a Roblox developer it is too hard to test the performance of some of my code at low FPS values. With the addition of the new FPS setting, the ability to also reduce the FPS cap below 60 (in studio) would be appreciated. This is probably not a super huge deal but being able to make sure code works as intended for users with hardware limitations would be convienient.
already possible with client code
local targetFPS = 15
local frameTime = 1 / targetFPS
while task.wait() do
local startTime = os.clock()
repeat until os.clock() - startTime > frameTime
you can use randomization or further logic to simulate unstable framerates and stutters.
It’s also already possible by just using a third party unlocker, it is just annoying to do. Adding support for something like this should be simple (may not be but I don’t see why it would be difficult) since it’s just adding another button to the menu that changes the FPS cap value.
Honestly they should let us input any value as our framerate, instead of it being 144 and multiples of 60
This would actually be a pretty neat feature to have.
If you’re writing your own physics or doing interpolation, using different frame rates can be a very useful way of figuring out whether you used delta time correctly.
Having to artificially slow the frame rate by writing some extra debug code feels way too extra and it might also not be reliable if you don’t write your debugging code right.
Using frame/delta time at the wrong step or at the wrong time in code can actually result in things such as characters moving faster/slower at higher frame rates or inconsistent results.
You can go to %localappdata%/Roblox then find GlobalBasicSettings_13_Studio, and change the FramerateCap value to 30
This would be nice to have officially, but in the meantime I suggest using this plugin which allows you to limit your framerate and adjust your graphics level.