Allow fullscreen for plugin dockers

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard or even impossible to fullscreen plugins.

As of right now making a full suite for a plugin, in some cases, becomes too cluttered. a full screen option for plugins, the same way that built-in dockets have it, would be extremely beneficial. this is especially if you work on a 2 monitor layout or just simply need more room in regards of the plugin.

The only way to really approach this seems to be to manually re-scale it. This honestly just becomes messy and annoying.

Below is an example of the property window allowing fullscreen where plugins are unable to.
For additional information, Iā€™m currently using the Updated Docking System Beta.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it would allow me to put heavier focus onto the plugins that would need it in that time or even for plugins that have a larger magnitude of utility to behave as its own focus window


Yeah, maybe something where you double-click a tab and it automatically turns into fullscreen too?
Something like in Unity, that would definetly make development even easier.

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