Aside from all the other problems of being a ROBLOX developer like dealing with exploiters, drama, and other things there is one problem that stands out far in itself. Trolls and spammy users.
Specifically, in ROBLOX groups. I have a group of my own that is constantly bombarded with users/people who are trolling for no reason-or if they took personally to being banned for exploiting, targeting my group wall and specific moderators.
Throughout owning the group for years, I’ve had to turn on manual approval (which has problems in and of itself also) to put a temporary pause on the trolls from joining anytime they want with any account they want and spamming nonsense… but this solution can only last for so long.
As a developer who doesn’t like discord that much (at-least not to communicate with an entire community), I depend on the ROBLOX group for feedback and reports of bugs/exploiters and etc. Every day there is dozens of pages of new members to approve, and it’s time consuming to go through every single member individually and decipher whether if it’s a troll or not. Instead, the next best thing to do to accept new members efficiently is to accept everyone at once…
…then of-course, within the multitude is the trolls alternative accounts, and bots-which people create within the snap of a finger. This is the problem here.
As you can see, there is not that much options to prevent these problems. So I present a few ideas that I think would greatly help:
An option to allow only verified users to join (users who are verified via email or via phone #),
An option to allow only users with the account age of x or more to join,
An option to only allow posting only after x amount of time for new members (I know that you can rank up users to be able to post instead but THAT itself is time consuming for 100s of users)
An option to only allow x amount of posts for new members within x amount of time,
A blacklist of usernames/permanent banning of users,
A blacklist of words/phrases,
An option to allow or disallow posting of any links,
…simple things like these.
I hope this message makes it far because there is many problems with groups that can be addressed and trolling/spam/bots is definitely some of the most inevitable and unbearable portion of them.