Allow images to be viewed in favorites

As a Roblox user, it is difficult to view favorited images. Currently, favorited images are not displayed under the favorites tab.

Although decals (icons, thumbnails, etc.) are associated with images, a user might only have access to the image. If the user favorites an image with the intention to view later, they will be disappointed that it doesn’t display under the favorites tab. Additionally, favorited images should appear in the favorites tab to be consistent with how other asset types are displayed when favorited. If images can be favorited, they should appear in the favorites tab.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my user experience by making it easier to revisit favorited images.


Images are one of those asset types that’s generally intended to be hidden from the user (potentially to avoid confusion between it and decals, or to attempt to avoid asset theft - although that’s clearly not the case especially for decals)

While it’s not as ideal as just being able to fave images, I do feel that having faves on images redirect to favoriting the user sided asset instead is a good idea for convenience sake instead (ie instead of favoriting the image, it faves the decal/shirt/etc instead)

As a side note, it’s not hard to find the image asset from a decal/shirt/pants, idk why it would be hard to do the same method in reverse (instead of going down numbers, just go up numbers)

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I think it’d be real useful if I could just change the url from favorites/#whatever to favorites/#images and see them and they’d still be hidden cus u just have to change the url

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