Allow links to Creative Commons, Sketchfab and SoundCloud in #bulletin-board

As a Roblox developer, it is IMPOSSIBLE to …

Use licensed material that requiers to put off-site links to the material and a off-site link to the license

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because …

I can finally use this model (and some more others) for my upcoming game

Some questions

  • How would this affect the development of your game/s?

  • Do you think someone here on the platform would use licensed material in the future?

  • What other materials platform should be included in the # Bulletin-Board link whitelist?

Do you think this will be a good deal?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Thank You


I think this is more of a feature request you should make to Roblox as a whole, since you generally link topics from #bulletin-board to, so topics there should follow the rules on the main site. This includes link rules.


It’s probably appropriate to keep this as a forum feature request. Although the allowed links have parallels, Bulletin Board also allows GitHub which Roblox does not - topics are still appropriate to be linked if they have GitHub links despite this.

A couple of years ago I got cleared by Developer Engagement to post offsite links as required by a license in Bulletin Board - not saying my permission is also applicable to others, but it’d be worth sending them a DM regarding licensing linking for the time being without said links being explicitly whitelisted right now.

Site features should remain site features. DevForum should remain DevForum.