Allow only verified accounts to send PMs

And also stop one account from sending so many messages at once. New account with nothing on it sending 50 legitimate messages a second? I think not.


I’m curious how many seconds and cents it costs to just make a new account and work around that.

It should be a blacklist. I can imagine there are a significant amount of users who sign-up with school emails and this would impact on them severely otherwise.

Could there be a blacklist for that email if it is considered a spam account? They wouldn’t be able to use that email again and would have to change the email on accounts registered with it.

Regardless, players should not be prevented from joining just because their email isn’t with a certain provider.

It would be better to look at the domain of the email that the user signed up with when they are banned and if they find ~90% of these accounts on that domain are getting blocked then blacklist that domain.

Or force people to have two-step verification on to send messages.

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It’s not a simple problem.

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Theres been many many suggestions that would and could work. We’ve been hearing the “we’re working on it” for years and all thats happened is it got so bad that Roblox shut down commenting… Anything is better then nothing even if its only short term for now.


It’s a battle that can’t be won.

GMail is a prime example. Sometimes emails will automatically be flagged as spam, and that’s because they’re looking at all the incoming messages and viewing those which are being marked as spam and those which aren’t. It’s learning, but it’s not perfect and sometimes produces false-positives.

ROBLOX is not on the same level as Google is, and Captcha is not a solution.

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If two step verification determines if you can send PM won’t that be better than capatcha???

I don’t see how that would affect anything. Two-step just requires you to enter a code from your e-mail address to log in. Even if they used a temporary email address, there are services like mailinator which allow you to continually log in to the same address over and over.

You are welcome to discuss solutions on the forum, but posting videos mocking how they’ve not implemented such “easy” solutions (from an ignorant point of view) or just complaining is probably not the most helpful.

I just showed you a post in which someone who works at ROBLOX claims they are not feasible, and from my point of view I’m assuming they know more about the problem

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But if the same email is used for tons of bots how will the mailinator etc know which code to use

Because it literally lists the username in the subject of the email:

“Verification Code for ROBLOX Account: buildthomas”

The 2-step email includes the account it’s for:

Even if it didn’t, the account could just sign up with so there’d be no confusion.

Well rip

Quality video 10/10

Maybe Roblox should actually hack away at the roots of the problem, and look for methods for detecting and preventing bots.

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