Allow plugins to write to StudioService properties

As a plugin developer, it is difficult to add functionality to the lua draggers. One reason is that it is impossible to write to the following StudioService properties:

  • DraggerSolveConstraints
  • DrawConstraintsOnTop
  • GridSize
  • RotateIncrement
  • ShowConstraintDetails
  • UseLocalSpace

Forking the draggers is an option, but a fork would be less integrated into Studio. As a person who keeps the ribbon hidden, one use case is a widget to set these properties graphically a la Blender.


I also want to be able to type mathematical formulas into the Move and Rotate input boxes, so having write access to GridSize and RotateIncrement would allow me to do that. Additionally, I commonly work in the same few move and rotate increments, so a widget with preset increments to click would speed up my workflow.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I would have more freedom to modify Studio, and specifically the lua draggers, as I please.