Allow setting a timeout for Open Cloud Luau execution tasks

As a Roblox developer it is currently too difficult to debug code that yield infinitely when running open cloud execution tasks. I’ll be blunt: this is because I cannot get logs from a task until it’s finished, and waiting 5 minutes between runs to debug it is actually arduous.

Please give us a way to specify a timeout for these tasks. I do not want to spend the rest of my life waiting patiently to debug an infinite yield, wasted away in 5 minute increments. I cannot test this locally (it’s a long story, but suffice to say it’s non-trivial to refactor the code that’s a Problem when run locally), so I am just stuck in purgatory.

If Roblox were to add a way to specify a timeout to open cloud execution tasks, it would make my debugging experience faster and avoid me having to waste so much time waiting for things to finish just to get meaningful output from infinitely yielding tasks.

I would normally not make a feature request like this; it’d normally be better supported, and I’d have compelling use cases beyond “please I want to debug this faster” but… Please. I want to debug my code faster.


Customizable timeout is now available, see my post here [Beta] Open Cloud Engine API for Executing Luau - #74 by icemountainrbx

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