Allow share button to work for private games

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to share my in-progress, private game with people who have access to it (including myself).

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because currently, to get a link to playtest the published game, I have to:

  1. Go to View > Asset Manager > Places,
  2. Spot the current place I’m editing,
  3. Right click it,
  4. Press “Copy ID to clipboard”,
  5. Paste the ID where I’m talking with people, and
  6. Prepend it with

Ideally, I could just press this share button & just get a link copied into my clipboard:

But currently, its behavior for private games is to prompt me to make them public.

A different perspective: it being such a process to get a link makes it hard for me to get place links from focused developers because they hesitate and procrastinate to perform this process, since it’s immersion & momentum-breaking. The alternative to asking this of them is for me to open, click on Dashboard, select the right group, select the right experience, and click ... on the right place, to finally click “Copy URL” or “View on Roblox”.


Massive +1 here. It takes me literally 10 times as long to visit my game’s site page from studio because I can’t just copy the link from here. If you’re worried about people accidentally linking people to a closed game, just have a warning below the copy button that says something along the lines of “This is private.”