Allow Shirts/Pants to Render on Non-Humanoids

Current Issue:

  • Current ESP exploits take a hold of the Humanoid object and therefore any humanoid object in the game can be seen through walls.

  • Solution: Make a custom character that doesn’t have a humanoid.

  • Problem: Now my shirts/pants won’t render on the characters and I will need to individually bake each pair of shirts and pants onto the R15 model.

  • How to Fix: Allow shirts and pants to render on parts with the names they would usually render on with a humanoid.

In all, shirts and pants shouldn’t need a humanoid to render in a model with the proper parts.

This isn’t fixing the proposed problem. People will just make the ESP work on the custom characters. There’s nothing special about humanoids that cause them to be explicitly vulnerable.

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People will just change how ESP works, such as putting surfaceguis with alwaysontop on all sides of the character (Happens in phantom forces unfortunately)

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I know this, I’m just saying, there is no use for a humanoid object to render in shirts and pants. This issue with ESP is just a niche thing.