Allow to have multiple layouts / workspaces

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to work with different layouts in Studio, since currently only one layout is registered.

However, depending on the moment of the project or the kind of project, it would be convenient to be able to quickly switch to another layout.

For example, when I want to test the game inside Studio with full screen, I currently have to manually turn off all active windows one by one and then manually turn all windows back on again.

See the example of Adobe Premiere, where I can have multiple layouts (some with factory presets), but mainly the possibility to save a custom layout:


If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because this will ease the transition between multiple layouts.


Just remembering this request.
An additional example:
I have a place that I use only for administrative control of my game.
This place runs only in Studio.
However, to have the screen take up 100% of the width on my monitor, I have to manually close all object, property, debug windows, etc.
With this implementation, you would simply click a button and the entire layout would change automatically.
And to go back to the previous layout, it would also be as simple as pressing a button.


I’m in need of this feature. If we could have more precise control over what information is replicated to the client depending on which layouts they have toggled, it would open the door to genuine instanced gameplay in the same server.

I need this so much! I have a lot of different maps, if we had multiple workspaces my maps would be more organised and the code would be less complex.

By “workspace” they mean how all the Studio UI widgets and tools are docked and positioned, they are not referring to the 3D Workspace.

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