Allow UI Constraints to be put in Folders

As a Roblox developer, it is currently hard to create a complex UI using constraints. I usually sort UI elements in folders to make it easier to find them, but for some reason UI constraints can’t be put in folders. Is this necessary? It’d make life a lot easier if UI constraints could be put in folders.

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They are working on this.


Oh, my bad, I missed that.

All good :slight_smile:

That particular quote was nested quite deep in the broader scheme of things lol

I am currently working on a large change to the internals of the GUI system that allows this as a side effect.

UILayouts will only position their direct siblings, not things that are inside of folders or outside their parent folder. Example:

> GuiObject
|  |->UIListLayout A
|  |->GuiObject manipulated by A
|  |->UIListLayout B
|  |->GuiObject manipulated by B
|  +->Folder
|     +->GuiObject with default positioning
+->GuiObject with default positioning

I hope this is the most intuitive behavior.

We are pretty close to being able to recommend the use of folders for organizing UI elements. @Fractality_alt recently fixed a bug where gamepad input didn’t work right for GuiObjects in folders. If you run into any additional problems with using folders, please report them.


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