As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to avoid notification surge at the middle of the night (because I’m from OZ) meaning I’ll have like almost 17 notifications from the website by like 3:00 AM on my iPad because I use Australian Eastern Standard Time (or daylight i don’t know) on my clock and for time in the forums. I would like a way to block replies and messages to me at certain times in time zones to avoid getting a lot of notifications I can’t immediately read when I get them and only get them when I wake up. Like add a queue instead of us using Pause Notifications so that people can pre add their replies until the time set so that users can avoid notification surge during other hours when they can’t use devforums
If this was added it would affect my use of the forums because I won’t have a bunch of notifications I wouldn’t remember wanting when I wake up
You can set up custom notification schedules which would help with your issue, Just set it to the time you want and you’re good to go
That’s too confusing. I want something that makes the replies send at a certain time
How is it confusing? You just say what times you don’t want to get notifications for each day of the week. (So for you just put the times you are asleep)
I’m sorry but stopping people from replying until a certain time seems like such a backwards way to solve the problem that really just adds nothing.
No. Only make the replies be sent at a certain time without saying a few hours ago
Why? What purpose does this serve that makes it necessary
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