Allow us to continue uploading audio on the website

This is not a good change, these are my reasons:

I will NEVER ever ever ever upload any assets using my main account, I have absolutely no trust for moderators after many incidents that happened over these past years.

Which comes to my next point, whenever I need to upload any kind of asset including audio I’d go on another browser with my Alt account made specifically for uploading content.

With this new change I can no longer do that seemingly, but instead I’d have to open studio which may or may not randomly update and then upload the audio files.
(It’s also not easy nor fast to switch accounts in studio)

The problem here isn’t uploading audio in Studio but it’s the convenience that you took away from us who want to use the website when uploading audio

Let’s look from an average user’s perspective:

  • First we check if we have enough Robux to upload audio files, and maybe also check the price for each tier list

  • After we upload an audio file to Roblox we’d have to wait for it to be approved we do this by refreshing the website.

  • Next if our audio has been “Corrupted” or rejected then we’ll get a message on the website

  • If we want to configure the audio we also do that on the website

  • We can’t do any of the above in Studio aside from uploading

Let’s look at what we can’t do due to this update:

  1. We can’t upload audio without opening Studio

  2. We can’t upload audio from our Mobile / Tablet devices

  3. We can’t upload audio to a group without having a group game

  4. We can’t upload audio to a group without opening a group game

  5. We can’t upload audio to a group without game edit permission


A lot of convenience has been taken away from us by removing our ability to upload audios using the website.

It is not acceptable to cripple user experience and work flow by removing a feature unannounced and without reason

I’d be fine if the experience was better or at least some what the same but this is worse than before, it’s simply terrible user experience.

There’s a lot that I have decided omit because I want to keep this thread simple and short but feel free to add on to it


I want Roblox to stop moving everything into Studio and removing online alternatives. There is no reason to force users to use Studio and only Studio. It is almost entirely an inconvenience, especially since I expect this will require you upload to a published game, and I often work in place files I haven’t published.

Give the creator dashboard more resources and move this functionality and similar functionality there before you disable our only non-Studio alternatives.


Audio uploads are now on both the Asset Manager and the Dashboard, and it looks like the ability to upload through the Dashboard may be here to stay.

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