Allow us to flag multiple options

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to flag posts that is suited for Off-Topic, Inappropriate, and Spam, I found some posts that can be flagged for all of these reasons, this is one example

It is off-topic, He is being rude to another person, and he is being irrelevant, I had to flag the post as “Inappropriate” but using alts to mass flag posts is against the forum rules

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because i can flag posts that are Off-Topic, Inappropriate, and Spam


Please use “Something Else” and write your reason if any of the other options are not fitting.


There are some issues:

  1. you can’t flag again if you already did it
  2. When they say “We agree there is an issue” they actually aren’t agreeing there is an issue, and when they say “we’re looking into it” they actually aren’t looking into it
  3. This is for multiple options for flagging, not to add more flagging options

This feature request doesn’t seem to solve this problem. You still wouldn’t be able to add/change your flag.

(It’s best to write your threads to be describing problems rather than proposed solutions for this reason.)

Understood, this is not something we will put effort into. You should use the open-ended “Something Else” option for this.

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That is automatically sent when a moderator handles a something else flag and doesn’t send a custom message


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