Allow us to programmatically work with pluginbuttons

As a roblox developer who has a ridiculous amount of plugins and uses all of them, it’s way too hard to efficiently get to the plugin I need.

Organizing plugins using plugin toolbars is completely impractical and a non-solution in most cases, because most developers who have tons of plugins don’t write every single plugin themselves, and in order to properly organize them this way we would have to download and then rewrite every single plugin in order to organize them…

For this same reason, we can’t always use plugin shortcut binds because not all developers support them and when you have 50+ plugins using binds to navigate to them is also completely impractical :sweat_smile:

Quick Open Actions is a nice improvement, because it allows us to activate pluginbuttons by searching for them

However, this still involves typing out the plugin names and can be quite tedious and is still not very workflow efficient.

There are much better ways to do this, but I understand roblox can’t just quickly whip up a complete overhaul of how plugins can be organized.

Thus I propose a solution: Give us API to return a list of all pluginbuttons(with potentially a new class that can be made by plugins to use the same functionality without having an actual visual button), and give us API to activate/deactivate them.

Exposing a pluginbutton’s icon would be helpful too for creating our own visual representations of them

This relatively simple feature would give developers much more power , enabling us for example to

  • Easily create a layered pie menu like you see in some softwares to get to the plugin we want

  • Create any other plugin widget that allows us to assign pluginbuttons to categories and organize/navigate to them efficiently

It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s something much better than what we currently have


+1 yes please. Let us query the plugin system so we can organize our bars!


On a slightly orthogonal note, someone at roblox please buy your devs some 4k monitors! >_<’
Currently if you’re using 4k and have scaling set (like 150%, which is pretty normal to do) Roblox studio has a bunch of weird issues, including using an incorrectly scaled game viewport.


Please do this!

On Windows with a scaling percentage set, Studio is blurry by default. If you override the scaling behavior to “Application” things are better but it’s still really weird (images get small until you click them, some dialogs become too tiny to see all the text in them, etc)
Plugins are not scaled though - positions and sizes are not scaled. This makes plugins look too small on my display.

On macOS on a high DPI or “retina” monitor (which almost any device running macOS has) Roblox appears to scale up UIs. This is an okay behavior if the plugin was developed on a Windows machine with no scaling at all, because things will look right. But if you make the plugin with a high-DPI Windows machine in mind, now everything is massive!

You can’t even use a UIScale to make things smaller, as UIScale still breaks AutomaticSize. You also can’t detect the DPI that Studio is using, which means you can’t code for this in mind.