Some Forum posts might not be friendly towards young children, that includes developers of age restricted games consulting their games, questions and images about adding blood, gambling, alcoholic drinks, etc should be behind age related topics.
Roblox has a large child developers and ROBLOX should allow us to restrict some Forum posts to be above 17+ or 13+ or any age
For people who don’t understand this. Non-forum members can also view the forum
This can include <13 who may be sensitive to certain content such as blood, language, and other certain topics.
Thanks for the message and understand the concern.
I don’t think we can prioritize anything like this soon due to engineering effort involved and relatively low impact (this is the first time we’ve had this request), so I recommend posting your questions in appropriate communities in the mean-time. (e.g. off-devforum)
Just reiterating that the forum is primarily for a 13+ audience and you should make sure anything you post is suitable for that audience.
I think a work around for this is just requiring users to spoiler stuff, and putting a warning about the content, although it may not be the best solution, its better than nothing.
I’d say based on what roblox allows for 17+ games at the moment. As long as it’s not being played by users under 17-, but for example, somebody discussing help on a blackjack table isn’t going to cause any issues.
roblox is generally devoid of any actual adult content, beside gambling themes and alcoholic drinks, but i dont think a kid is going to be traumatized if they see a screenshot of a beer bottle mesh on the dev forum.