Allow us to see our active visit streak

As a DevForum user, it is currently too difficult to see how many days we’ve visited the forum consecutively.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I would be able to get an actual concise number, for which I am not relying on my counting skills.


I am aware of this feature request, I am not asking for a progress bar, rather an actual number. The main distinction between the two is that a progress bar would be limited to 365 for the highest visit streak badge, however if your streak exceeds 365, you will not be able to get an exact number for the visit streak as easily as you could with the progress bar.

Currently, the process of finding how many days you’ve visited the forum is to go to your activity page and use the export all button, then sift through the visits.csv file. Should you want an actual number, you have to actually examine the dates, look at each individual one, you could skip over one of the dates, which would make the number drastically different. All in all, it doesn’t seem like something that is worth doing.

My assumption is that this number is being recorded on the backend anyway, which is apparent by the existence of streak badges. My request is to simply expose this number. The days visited already exists on the profile, under stats, so asking to see how many of these are contributing to my active streak does not seem like something very outlandish to ask for, especially if we can get this number manually, even if it takes awhile.

Thanks for reading.


I heavily support this. I recently got my 100 days in a row badge in I didn’t even notice. I’d love this feature and I’m sure many other people would too!


I am still waiting on the 100 days badge and I don’t know my daily login streak… This would be a great update.

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This sounds cool and all, but what purpose would it serve?
The devforum isn’t a game, and I doubt anyone would care that you logged into the devforum for x days in a row, so there’s really no point to this.


Adding onto that, if you really want to see your log ons, you should just download your user info from the “activity page”


This would be an amazing update. I’m trying to get the 100 day streak badge and I don’t know what I’m currently at.

That is correct, there was not a mention of the forum being a game. However, as I said in the OP, this would be useful so I don’t have to request my data and sift through hundreds of dates to find a number that I could potentially have wrong if I skip a date that is being recorded anyway. This number also does not have be public, it could be private like your number of bookmarks.

That is correct, I mentioned that in the original post, however the biggest point I was trying to get across was that this process is tedious when you have to look at hundreds of dates with the potential of skipping one which could make the number heavily inaccurate.

Ok but again, what’s the point? There’s no need to see if you logged in a certain amount of times unless you’re just doing some personal numbers game, which is definitely not the point of the devforum to say the least.

If it’s security reasons/wanting to know if someone logged into your account, you already have the security tab to show you everywhere you’re logging in from, as well as the ability to log out other sessions/mark them as not you if you have been hacked.

There is no genuine need for this, which is why it hasn’t been implemented sooner.

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No, it is not a security reason, even if it was, the number of days I’ve logged in a row wouldn’t necessarily be increased if there was some third party was on my account.

I’m asking for the number that is already counted on the backend already to be displayed to the user. It is to see the the number of days in a row I’ve been on the forum without having to look through the .csv file and count the number of days in a row that I have logged in. That is the point as I’ve said before, and yes, as I’ve implied already, it is not needed but wanted to facilitate seeing how many days in a row that I’ve logged in. That is the point, nothing more, nothing less. Further, it is not only wanted by me but also on the several posts that were made on the discourse meta forum about it, as well as other forums, you can find them by googling or I can link a few.

There is also no genuine need for the number of posts read, number of days I’ve logged in without a streak, badges, read time etc but these features still exist, not to brag, and certainly not to play a number game, not sure where you got that from, but as memorabilia and something to look back on. Look at steam hours for example, similar concept. There isn’t a need for most features and requests, feature requests are not made because only they are suggesting the implementation of essential primitive features, but to facilitate something people do which is implied by the post template of this category, “it is currently too hard to”, meaning that the feature might already be possible, however only through means that might be inconvenient and could be remedied by an additional feature. The post template does not state that I have to request a feature that is impossible to do, nor does it say that I have to request a feature that is so essential to the forum that it cannot be used without said feature, but it can also be a feature that could remedy something that is so inconvenient to do. This is also further expanded upon by the first sentence of the forum feature request topic, “features and changes that would improve your user experience”. In this case, it would improve my experience using the forum by telling me how many days I have logged on to the forum in a row, and only that, nothing more, nothing less, so I do not have to look through a document that is literally over 700 dates, 775 to be exact, by exposing the number that is being tracked already (which I also cannot emphasize enough), I am not asking for a new system to cater to this. If it was a new system I was asking for, I could understand your point of view, I believe then it would be unreasonable to ask for this.

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Same I couldn’t believe how we both got it in the same day


This should be posted on the same thread because it’s the same problem.

Feature requests should be about problems, not proposed solutions, ref: How to post a Feature Request

By splitting it into 2 threads about same problem with slightly different solutions, it dilutes the support for either thread compared to combined, so less likely to be addressed.