Allow us to see Semi-Transparent parts through Glass (with textures on)

As a Roblox Developer, It’s currently too hard to see parts which is semi transparent through Glass, especially without textures, I have pictures that this always happen and it’s very annoying for me, and it will be harder to see glass in my workflow so I can render glass properly in my game, and I am planning to make a game which will use the Glass Material and semi-transparent parts with textures

If Roblox is able to address this issue, This would improve my experience developing because I am easily able to see through semi-transparent parts (with textures)


A glass without distortion would be nice too.


(And @SergeantHippyZombie)
Why not use something like SmoothPlastic, or if you need some sort of ‘finish’ to the window use Metal or Ice.

Transparencies behind other transparent items has always had an issue on Roblox.


I think it’s a bad idea, We like the glass material, we use them for windows, more realistic builds and more

Isn’t that the whole point?

I would also like to add that customizable refraction and being able to display a SurfaceGui through glass would be quite helpful as well. Glass is quite limited.


The only reason to keep the transparency the way it is is that people have used this trick to hide Terrain Water inside boats behind an almost transparent Glass Part so the water isn’t visible.

Granted, having a building by Terrain water and not being able to use Glass window Parts is horrible.


Not entirely. There’s the color tint effect as well.

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This is actually purposesfully used by some games so changing this would break those.

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I agree. Here’s one example:

Developer- or player-reliance on unintentional behaviour hasn’t stopped Roblox from patching some of them in the past, whether to visibly improve the underlying system itself or for some other, mysterious reason. For example, cornerclipping or the infamous animation blending update. If people stopped trying to abuse unintentional behaviour, less would be affected when it’s patched ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m not trying to say that I can tell if any single thing is intentional, just the kind of obvious stuff like this where many want the behaviour to change, and where Roblox’s engineers themselves have told us not to use it for these types of stuff:


That is a bad idea, you can clearly see the part through, I tested this, this is proof:

(though it’s hard to see :confused: )

if anyone’s wondering what game is this, it’s not a game, it’s some test place I have

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Yeah, but some developers rely on that behavior.

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sure, but people can see the empty baseplate if it’s there, or behind the scenes of the game without exploiting

Honestly it looks pretty ugly when used in a realistic manner - i.e. glass windows on boats show the very obvious rocky ocean floor below.

I think that, in the majority of cases, most games use Glass like… actual glass? In that case, it would be beneficial to most games. Plus, it just looks nice when you can see the effects instead of it being used to let you see through stuff and be nearly invisible.


I was the same person who posted the feature request. I acknowledge that this is a duplicate, and I had no idea an topic like that while I was making a topic like that.

I get that some people could say “Some developers could rely on this glitch” or “Why do you want roblox to fix an useful glitch?”, but Developers should NOT rely on glitches instead of built-in features, and glitches are MEANT to be patched.

Glass is a weird material as it has a ton of glitches that many developers use but I don’t because as mentioned earlier, Glitches are MEANT to be patched, and developers should NOT rely on glitches.

I just hope roblox addresses this issue or close this topic in favor of the other feature request

I am working on the part for a stairway, and I do not feel comfortable with this way

I could union them but unions are worse than parts, I could change them to glass but if you look closer, it will look weird

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