Allow users to publish several selected packages instead of restricting to one at a time

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to publish several packages at once. Whenever I work on my game, I edit several packages and only publish when all of my changes are complete across all packages; even then I’d still have to publish those packages individually in order to publish the bigger package.

I have 12 packages that I edit quite frequently as functionality for my game expands out of 49 total. It is not possible for me to put said packages into one bigger package because would sacrifice organization for my places.

Exhibit A

Simply placing a “Publish All” button alongside the “Select All in Explorer” button would do wonders. It seriously baffles me how there’s an “undo all” but not a “publish all.” Speaking of, it’d be a nice addition to have a “publish selected packages” within the context menu as well.

Without this feature, I have to tediously skim through every object and fish for Packages, sometimes open the “publishing failed” window to check where I need to go, and then publish said package. The “Select All in Explorer” button doesn’t really help since it’s impossible to publish several packages at once - forcing users to deselect the selected packages.


Why can I only publish one package at a time? Terrible UX and slows down development for no reason