Allow users to specify their displayed job title/role

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to change the role specified on my “card” on the search page. At the moment, the Talent Hub seems to just automatically use the role that I wrote on my last experience.


Experiences Image

I have filled in these 3 test experiences. As you can see, my role in the latest experience is “Gameplay Programmer”.

If I search for myself on the Talent Hub, the displayed card says that I am a “Gameplay Programmer”.

Search Card


My experience using the Talent Hub would be improved if I had a setting or option to customize the displayed job title/role rather than the Talent Hub using the latest one. Anything can be put in as an experience, even a small one that doesn’t represent the main job title I would like to be associated with. I would be able to better consistently brand myself on the Talent Hub if this with customizable.


This feature request already exists. The TalentHub takes the latest current job experience by start date.

For a workaround, you can create an experience with a date of this month and use the title in the meantime.


I think my feature request is very different from theirs. I am requesting that we have an entirely separate setting to change the role (similar to how we can here on the DevForum). That feature request you linked seems to be suggesting a feature to change the order of experiences. That would indirectly work towards solving this problem, but it wouldn’t be a direct and effective solution.

I do agree with that feature request, but for different reasons which include displaying my most favored experiences first.


Hey! Thanks for the request - agreed that this is a good place to allow more customizing, and will flag with the team.


Any update on this?

I’d like to be able to specify a general job title that people see rather than what’s currently being displayed. I’m aware of the ‘work around’, but like the OP, I’d like an option specifically for the title people see while searching.


This is still on our quality of life backlog - the team has been super busy recently with trying to make sure that it’s easier to find high quality jobs for people. We should have an announcement on the stuff we’ve been working on soon :slight_smile:

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