Hi, I’ve been trying to see if I could make an NPC take the quickest path possible to a target but none of my methods seem to work. Target is outside of the house I place my NPC at a top story, and it keeps wanting to route out of the house through the stairs rather than jumping off a roof (utilizing PathfindingLinks of course.)
The links dont appear to trigger anything, it still takes the longest route and completely ignoring any Jump links that lead off of the roof. I also cant seem to find anyone else with similar issues.
Verify the settings on your NavMesh agent. Make sure it has the ability to use off-mesh links and that the settings allow for jumps or falls.
Sometimes, pathfinding algorithms prefer paths with lower costs. Ensure that the cost of using the stairs is higher compared to jumping off the roof. You can adjust the cost of areas in your NavMesh to influence the pathfinding decisions.
Oddly enough I got it to work on some sample file I found–its as if its something wrong with my deployment place that I am working on–somehow disabling the link? WorkingLinkWhy.rbxl (146.9 KB)
Somethings odd about my other place that Im working on, the Link itself is black, what could this mean?
It actually only works until I make a label onto it i.e. Jump Label. not sure why this is the case but I need the label so that I can implement costs to it (I want it to only take the path jump depending on circumstances
I’ve made sure that the Jump is set only to math.huge when I want it to be ignored. when the opposite function where cost is empty/0 it still wont take the link path into consideration…