Allowing Thread Creators to Delete Threads

I have had old Threads that are no longer relevant, and I feel that their should be a feature to Delete A Thread you make. That does not make a moderator have to review and delete it for you, I feel that this will be useful for developers, and users on the developer forum.

Edit: I think people have the wrong idea of what I mean, I meant Users should be able to delete their threads but only certain ones such as,

Update Threads for roblox games,

Roblox game information pages for games no longer supported.

Both of these would have comments off. And this is what I mean for self removal.

You shouldn’t be able to delete old threads. They contain valuable discussion which users will always be able to refer to. This is pretty standard with forums.

Topics which aren’t relevant to the category or are inappropriate are unlisted and hidden by moderation staff. Users shouldn’t be able to do this on a whim because they dislike their thread.


Roblox moderators have been specifically instructed not to remove topics from the forum, for reasons given above, unless they break forum rules. If you note that moderators are doing this on request, please let us know so we can give them feedback on that.


tbh this is a very bad thing. Imagine all the valuable topics, that other users can learn of of, then think about what would happen if all those topics were removed. All those topics would no longer be there. (Which basically means: a bunch of valuable things to learn from, is wasted / gone! Isn’t that just wrong?)


Came here to say this. And in addition, you’d be deleting other user’s content, not just yours. Just because you start a discussion IRL doesn’t mean you are entitled to ending it, and the same applies online to forums like this.

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