Almost identical script not running

I’m currently making a tool to make someone salute or at ease and I copied the script for the salute (the salute tool works perfectly) over to a new tool for the At Ease. However, when I actually equip the At Ease tool, the function doesn’t actually trigger. Nothing appears in the output and nothing seems wrong. What is happening?

-- This is the working script
local tool = script.Parent
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Salute = RS:WaitForChild("Salute")

	local player = script.Parent.Parent
-- This is the script that doesn't work despite being almost identical
local tool = script.Parent
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local AtEase = RS:WaitForChild("AtEase")

tool.Equipped:Connect(function() -- It stops working here without any output errors
	local player = script.Parent.Parent

Can you show the explorer? There might be a typo.
I should also mention those scripts are local scripts.

you dont need to do FireServer(player) since it already fires the player as the first parameter

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Alright that’s good to know but the problem still persists

I have looked over the script multiple times and I have found literally nothing wrong. Could this be a roblox error?

If anyone still cares about this, turns out the problem was that I forgot to turn off RequiresHandle on the AtEase tool.

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