Almost impossible to get places back if they are removed from a universe

(I know Universe system was re-named to game, but Ill call ti universe as it is less confusing)

  1. Remove the place from the universe entirely.
  2. The place now appears as inactive in studio, but reactivating it just brings up the error ‘Must be the start place of a universe’ .
  3. This is where it gets confusing for normal users. The Configure Universe option will not appear for the place, so it can seem like it is impossible to get the place back on its own again.
  4. The only way to get the place back, is really not intuitive. You have to create a new place+universe, remove the new place from the universe, set your old place as the start of the universe, then re-activate the place.

Me and Rolijok just literally spent an hour navigating this hell of configuration screens and errors because we wanted to make a place created with CreatePlace API the start place. We still haven’t been able to. And the only reason we wanted to do this was because PBS servers don’t save any more.

Actually, you can also wait 30 minutes to an hour for the site to realize “oh, it’s not in the universe anymore?” and then add it back – I don’t know what’s up with that though.