Aloha Dentist | Handbook

Aloha Dentist | Public Handbook

Welcome to the official Public Handbook for Aloha Dentist on Roblox. This will provide you with vital information you need to know as a member of our community.

• List of Appointments
• Appointment Guide
• Training Schedule
• Rank and Department Overview
• Oral Surgeon → Trial Management Information
• Alliance Requirements
• Alliance Application

Topic 1 | List of Appointments

➙Dental Assistant
• Cleaning
• Check-Up

• Bonding
• Filling
• Whitening

➙Technician Specialist
• Veneers
• Crown
• Sealants
• Dentures
• X-Rays

• Braces
• Braces Tightening
• Braces Check-Up
• Braces Removal
• Spacers

➙Oral Surgeon
• Wisdom Tooth Removal
• Extraction
• Root Canal
• Dental Implant

Topic 2 | Appointment Guide
➙Dental Assistant Appointments


  1. Ask the client the following questions:
  • How many times do you brush in a day?
  • How many times do you floss in a day?
  • Any issues regarding your teeth I should be aware of?
  1. Hand scale the client’s teeth.
  2. Use a machine scaler to scale the client’s teeth.
  3. Rinse and suction.
  4. Ask the client what toothpaste flavor they would like.
  • Toothpaste flavors: Strawberry, Mint, Bubblegum.
  1. Gently brush the client’s teeth using the toothpaste they requested.


  1. Ask the client the following questions:
  • How many times do you brush in a day?
  • How many times do you floss in a day?
  • Any issues regarding your teeth I should be aware of?
  1. Ask the client to open their mouth.
  2. Check the client’s mouth for plaque.
  3. Check the client’s mouth for tartar.
➙Hygienist Appointments


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Place retractors in the client’s mouth.
  3. Apply protective gel on the client’s gums.
  4. Apply the whitening solution onto the surfaces of the client’s teeth.
  5. Allow a moment to set before rinsing and suctioning.
  6. Remove the protective gel.
  7. Inform the client to avoid eating for an hour to prevent staining.


  1. Ask the client if they have any concerns.
  2. Inject local anaesthetic into the client’s gums surrounding the area where the filling will take place.
  3. Rinse and suction.
  4. Begin to drill the cavity.
  5. Suction.
  6. Ask the client if they would like a silver or white filling.
  7. Apply the filling.
  8. Set it using a setting light.
  9. Inform the client that their teeth may be sensitive for a little while.


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Color match the resin being used to the color of the client’s teeth.
  3. Polish the surface of the tooth.
  4. Rinse and suction.
  5. Apply the resin.
  6. Cure the resin.
  7. Polish the surface of the teeth.
➙Technician Specialist Appointments


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Take X-Rays of the client’s teeth.
  3. Inject local anaethetic to the area where the veneer will take place.
  4. Remove a small amount of enamel to make room for the veneer.
  5. Color-match the putty being used to the match the color of the client’s teeth.
  6. Apply the veneer to the client’s teeth.
  7. Polish the surfaces of the teeth.


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Inject local anaesthetic into the gums surrounding the tooth.
  3. Drill the tooth.
  4. Rinse and suction.
  5. Place the crown onto the tooth.
  6. Ensure it is secure.


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Rinse and suction the tooth.
  3. Apply etching solution to the tooth.
  4. Dry their teeth.
  5. Prepare the sealant.
  6. Apply the sealant.
  7. Ensure it is positioned correctly.
  8. Cure the sealant.


  1. Do you have any questions before we commence?
  2. Inspect the client’s mouth.
  3. Take an X-Ray of the client’s teeth.
  4. Color match the dentures to the client’s teeth.
  5. Secure the dentures in the client’s mouth.
➙Orthodontist Appointments


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Take X-Rays of the client’s teeth.
  3. Ask the client what color band they would like.
  • Band colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Mint, Green, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Rose, Black, White, Silver, Clear.
  1. Place retractors in the clients mouth.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Apply a small drop of glue on each tooth.
  4. Apply the brackets.
  5. Set them using a setting light.
  6. Place the smaller wire through the back brackets.
  7. Secure it with the bands they chose.
  8. Trim the ends of the wire.

Braces Tightening:

  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Ask them if they have been having any issues with their braces.
  3. Ask them what color bands they would like.
  • Band colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Mint, Green, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Rose, Black, White, Silver, Clear.
  1. Place retractors in the clients mouth.
  2. Remove the old bands.
  3. Remove the wire.
  4. Place a new wire through the back brackets.
  5. Secure the brackets with the new band.
  6. Trim the ends of the wire.

Braces Check-Up:

  1. Ask them if they’ve been having any issues with their braces so far.
  2. Ask the client if they have any questions about their braces.
  3. Ask the client to open their mouth.
  4. Examine their braces.
  5. Take X-Rays of their teeth.
  6. Inform them when their braces will be able to be removed.

Braces Removal:

  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Loosen and remove the wire.
  3. Loosen and remove the brackets.
  4. Remove the glue.
  5. Rinse and suction.


  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Prepare the spacers.
  3. Place the spacers between the molars.
  4. Ensure the spacers are in the correct position.
➙Oral Surgeon Appointments

Wisdom Tooth Removal:

  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Put them to sleep using general anaesthetic.
  4. Loosen the wisdom teeth before removing them.
  5. Suction.
  6. Place cotton wool where the wisdom tooth were.
  7. Wake the client up and give them an ice pack.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Inject local anaesthetic into the gums surrounding the tooth being extracted.
  4. Loosen the tooth.
  5. Remove the tooth.
  6. Suction.
  7. Place cotton wool where the tooth was.
  8. Inform them that they should wash their mouth after eating and to be careful when touching their mouth.

Root Canal:

  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Inject local anaesthetic into the gum surrounding the tooth.
  3. Drill the tooth.
  4. Rinse and suction.
  5. Seal the tooth using a root canal filling.

Dental Implant:

  1. Ask the client if they have any questions.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Put them to sleep using general anaesthetic.
  4. Drill a hole where the implant will be placed.
  5. Secure the implant
  6. Rinse and suction.
  7. Wake them up and give them an ice pack.
Topic 3 | Training Schedule

Below is the training schedule for training sessions at Aloha Dentist:

• 8 AM BST/ 3 AM EST
• 12 PM BST / 7 AM EST
• 2 PM BST / 9 AM EST
• 5 PM BST / 12 PM EST
• 8 PM BST / 3 PM EST
• 10 PM BST / 5 PM EST
• 1 AM BST / 8 PM EST

Topic 4 | Rank and Department Overview

➙ Client
Client is the first rank in the Aloha Dentist franchise. It is given to individuals who have just joined the group.

➙ Former Staff
Former Staff is the rank given to retired Supervisors+ at Aloha Dentist.

➙ Alliance Representative
Alliance Representative is the rank given to those who represent at Aloha on the behalf of partnered establishments.

➙ Honourable Client
Honourable Client is the rank given to retired SHRs.

➙ Receptionist
Receptionist is the first Low Rank. They are the ones who book in appointments for clients.

➙ Dental Assistant
Dental Assistant is the second Low Rank and the first rank which is able to complete appointments.

➙ Hygienist
Hygienist is the third Low Rank and is given to Dental Assistants who have passed another training session.

➙ Technician Specialist
Technician Specialist is the fourth Low Rank and is given to Hygienists who have passed another training session.

➙ Orthodontist
Orthodontist is the fifth Low Rank and is given to Technician Specialists who have passed another training session. This is also the first rank which can complete the most popular appointment: Braces.

➙ Oral Surgeon
Oral Surgeon is the sixth and final Low Rank. This rank is given to Orthodontists who have been promoted from their last training. These individuals can complete all available appointments and can spectate training sessions.

➙ Trial Management
Trial Management is the rank given to those undergoing our internship programme from being promoted from either applications or recommendations.

➙ Management Assistant
Management Assistants are Trial Managements who have completed the internship programme and can now complete MR duties.

➙ Assistant Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor is the first rank who are able to supervise training sessions.

➙ Supervisor
Supervisors can complete the same duties as Assistant Supervisors, but can also co-host trainings/shifts.

➙ Assistant Manager
Assistant Managers have the same responsibilities as Supervisors, but can also host trainings.

➙ General Manager
General Manager is the final MR rank. They have earned the privilege of hosting shifts.

➙ Operations Manager
Operations Manager is the first High Rank. They complete both Public Relations and Employment duties to get an idea of which department they’d like to enter.

➙ Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant is the first rank which completes either Employment or Public Relations duties. They have been recognised as an Operations Manager and have been trusted to choose one department to work in.

➙ Executive Officer
Executive Officers have shown dedication towards their position and their department, therefore have been promoted.

➙ Dental Board
Dental Board is the final High Rank, they are the most dedicated individuals of the department excluding the department Coordinators.

➙ Public Relations Coordinator
Public Relations Coordinators are the heads of the Public Relations department. They oversee the PR department and organise events and keep the groups alliance affairs in order.

➙ Employment Coordinator
Employment Coordinators are the head of the Employment department. They oversee group operations and are the ones who organise the recommendation process and the internship programme.

➙ Contributor
Contributors are developers of Aloha Dentist.

➙ Vice President
Vice President is the rank given to the most trusted individuals within the community and are the ones who oversee all facilities and help the President with running the corporation. There is no way to earn this rank apart from being a Department Coordinator and being promoted for showing incredible activity and dedication.

➙ President
President is the rank for aIohias, the owner of Aloha Dentist. There is no way to obtain this rank.

Topic 5 | Oral Surgeon → Trial Management Information

This section of the handbook will go over the different ways to earn the position of Trial Management at Aloha Dentist.

The first way to become Trial Management, is to be recommended for the position. To be recommended, you need to show incredible activity as an Oral Surgeon. Below are some tips on what is looked for when recommending Oral Surgeons.

Good grammar

When we look for Oral Surgeons to recommend for Trial Management, we look at your work ethic at Aloha Dentist. If you are known to slack and not carry out LR responsibilities, you will not be recommended despite however many hours you are in game. We also look for your ability to be understanding of the clients. This includes using simple language. An example of what we mean by this is below.

:white_check_mark:Appropriate Greeting:
“Hello! Welcome to Aloha Dentist. My name is aIohias, what appointment would you like?”

:x: Inappropriate Greeting:
“Pleasantries! I am thrilled to greet you into the establishment known as Aloha Dentist. My epithet is aIohias, but you may address me as Aloha. What appointment do you require for this incredible day?”

Your maturity is also looked upon when looking for individuals to recommend for Trial Management. We recommend having a ‘human’ avatar when playing at the clinic, rather than a 3D outfit such as a duck or squirrel.

The second way to earn Trial Management is through applications. When applying for Trial Management, we highly encourage you to pay careful attention to the sentence recommendation, and write multiple paragraphs when possible.

The more detail you put into your application, the better idea we will get of your professionalism and how dedicated you will be to your position if you were to pass.

Topic 6 | Alliance Requirements

If you are looking to become a partnered establishment of Aloha Dentist, we have some requirements which all groups must meet in order to form an affiliation with us. These requirements are:

• 250+ Roblox members
• 200+ communications members
• Willing to post Aloha affairs
• Establishment is a cafe, hotel, restaurant, dentistry, etc
• Not a military or fan club.

NOTE: Aloha Dentist does partner with clothing stores, themeparks and waterparks if the corporation shows structure and organization.

If your establishment meets these requirements, you may look at the next section which will inform you how to apply for an affiliation with us.

Topic 7 | Alliance Application

If your establishment meets our requirements, then you are eligible to apply for an affiliation with Aloha Dentist. To do this, you will have to answer the questions listed below in a Google Document and either message it to a member of the Public Relations Department, or you can create a Public Relations Ticket and send it there.

The questions which you are required to answer are:
➙ 1. What is the name of your establishment?
➙ 2. Provide links to your group and communications server.
➙ 3. What is the chosen theme of your group? (e.g: cafe, dentistry)
➙ 4. Why have you chosen Aloha Dentist as a potential affiliation?
➙ 5. What makes your group stand out?
➙ 6. How will this affiliation benefit both parties?

If you have any other questions/concerns about forming an affiliation with us, please create a Public Relations ticket.

Thank you for reading our public handbook. Please reach out to a member of Management if you have any further questions.

Written by: aIohias
Last Updated: 21st June 2023